Sunday, December 14, 2008
♥ korea
there is also the goong bear pictures! and the mona lisa bear but i am not going to disclose the picture.. u just have to go there to see ur self..muahahahaha
day 3 - cant really remember..ohoh i tink we went to this everland theme park and saw bears dancing and sth liddat...
day 4 - this was the most embarrasing day of my life cause we had to climd this stupid mountain and i was freaking out when we reached the top cause it was really the PEAK of the mountain with no railings and it is a damn tall mountain..much taller than bukit timah hill...its a MOUNTAIN! and there was ice so it was slippery its like SLIDE AND FALL TO YOUR DEATH so i refused to budge until the tour guide had to pull me all the way up and i was screaming all the way while the other ppl all laughed..hmph...IT WAS SO HIGH and i have phobia of heights canot arh? stupid lor....
heres the picture of the whole group!
day 5 - SKI-ING! that day was really really fun!!! YAY!!! and i managed to ski leh!! we also went to the da chang jing shooting place but nth really interesting but we actually saw the director without knowing lol

day 6 - went to make kimchi! and dress in the hanbok but i looked awful in it..then go musuem and blah blah and we went to lotte world of stairway to heaven.... STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN BLUFF PPL ONE! it looked so magical in the show but in real life it was like sinagpore's escape theme park....hmph so sad lor and i looked forward to going there but in the end..all bluff ppl one!!
day 7 - went to the face shop bought some korean products in face alot of them cause we at first oni had 3 luggage bags and we went back to singapore with 4 luggage bags and 3 boxes =) oh yeah....

random pics....
7:46 PM